04:38 Not Certified

Shakayla Aretha Shaima

Denpasar, Indonesia

33  Female

Shakayla Aretha Shaima   7 months ago
Thanks bryan for the info

Bryan Matott   7 months ago
For the running part, if you are using an app that tracks distance you can just carry your phone/timer with you, then you can see the accurate distance, and also show the distance to the recording camera at the end. The app can be found in the FAQ under How Do I Track My Run https://www.globalfastfit.com/faq

Shakayla Aretha Shaima   7 months ago
Ya sorry i forgot ,i should do it 5 times instead of 4

John F. Groom   7 months ago
Great effort Nana to do this in the poring rain! But it doesn't look like the run was a full 500 meters and you need to go much lower for the pushups.